Report 90

Christmas mission. Lubovka

Volnovakhsky district, village of Lyubovka, 5 km from the front line. There were 30 children at the festival, though 50 kids live in the village. The children danced, sang songs, recited New Year poems. The event took place in the school. In 2015 it suffered from shelling of the Ukrainian troops. The school principal, the teachers, some deputies and their assistants, special forces veterans were present. We brought some books to the library, organized ‘sweet table’ for those who came, and the rest got sweets later. Everyone was satisfied and saw us off with a request to remember them.
The parents with little kids came just for a little while. A family with a 7 y. o. boy came and immediately left. We asked why, and the teacher answered: “In 2015 the family got under heavy fire and now the boy is even afraid of music”.
Thanks a lot to all donors and volunteers.