Report 42

Petrovsky district. Donetsk.

Petrovsky district is located on the front line. Our fund delivered clothes for the residents of this area.

August 20, 2014 the Ukrainian Army, in a moment, killed 19 and wounded 30 civilians by artillery fire of MRLS ‘Grad’ in Petrovsky district of Donetsk.

There were big food shortages, no electricity, no gas. People got together in the hope to get some bread, the load of which that day the peple were waiting for, early in the morning. But it was brought later, around 10 AM. About 100 residents were waiting inside of this shop, some were outside. Just those ones inside survived. According to the eyewitnesses, 6 people were murdered by ‘Grad’ shelling exactly next to the shop, one man had his legs blown off.

Annually, August 20, people get together on this very place to hold a church service about the murdered innocent civilians.

Memories live on forever in our hearts!