Report 110

TWO missions – ONE day

“Donbass Humanitarian Aid” (DHA) in Donetsk, DPR brought 20,000 roubles worth of school supplies for 30 kids to the warehouse of the International Volunteer Group “Moscow-Donbass” today here in Donetsk, which will be distributed by our friends to the kids living in Red and Grey Zones right near the Front.
THEN, DHA drove to Khanzhenkovo to deliver school and hygiene supplies, food and medicine to Olga, the Grandma (“Babushka”) and the six grandchildren (orphans) she takes care of. A long drive on rough roads, from Kievsky district in Donetsk to way on the other side of Soviet district of Makeevka.
The missions have been accomplished.
THANKS to all who pitched in! We are making the world a better place for everyone, one kid (or 36 ones) at a time!