Report 143

I paint the sea

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Our fund organized a trip for 35 children and 5 adults from the small village of Zaitsevo to the village of Sedovo. Residents of the small village of Zaitsevo near Gorlovka have been under shelling for the past 7 years. We are very glad that the children managed to forget about the war! Ten days without war!

Thanks to everyone who helps us!

Отчет 143

Я рисую море 

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Мы отправили 35 детей и 5 взрослых для присмотра за ними на 10 дней в Седово. Жители маленького поселка Зайцево под Горловкой в течение последних 7 лет постоянно находятся под обстрелaми. Мы очень рады, что детям удалось забыть о войне хотя бы на 10 дней! Спасибо всем, кто помогает нам эти годы войны!

“On the day of his death, St. John prayed unusually long in the altar”

Sergei Kalfov

Fifty-five years ago, on July 2, 1966, Archbishop John (Maximovitch) of San Francisco, now glorified by the Russian Church as the Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai and San Francisco, came to Seattle with his beloved Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God. On that day, which ended up being the last day of his earthly life, fourteen-year-old Sergei Kalfov served with him in the altar at the Liturgy in St. Nicholas Cathedral.

Sergei, still a parishioner of the same church after all these years, spoke with us about what happened that day.

Vladyka blessed my father and gave his soul to the Lord

Vladyka John came to visit us in Seattle with the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God. He and Bishop Nektary (Kontzevitch) of Seattle were planning to take the wonderworking icon to Vancouver the next day. Two people had come from Canada to accompany them.

I served with Vladyka John at his last Liturgy—it was a traditional hierarchical service, only without a deacon. Of course, no one was expecting things to go the way they did. Everything was normal, except after the service, Vladyka remained in the altar for an unusually long time—probably two and a half or three hours. That was the main thing that distinguished that day from any other day.

I should say that Vladyka didn’t like to be late. He wanted to go to the cemetery near the cathedral after the service, but it was already 3:30 and he hadn’t come out of the altar. Everyone was waiting for him at the parish house: Vladyka Nektary, my father—our reader and choir director George Kalfov, and the two guests from Canada—George Patrikeyev and Patrick Bradin.

The Archbishop finally left the altar and went to the second floor of the house where he had a cell. Everyone continued to wait. Around 4:30, we heard something fall upstairs.

Of course, everyone quickly went upstairs. My father saw Vladyka lying on the floor. Vladyka told him he’d never felt this way before. He didn’t say he felt bad—he said it just like that. My father picked him up and sat him in his chair. Vladyka blessed my father and gave his soul to the Lord. Everything was very calm and peaceful.

Even years later, it was very difficult for my father to understand what happened. To the end of his life, he couldn’t understand why it happened that way, that he was the one who was with Vladyka in the final moments of his life. Was it God’s grace, a punishment, or something else? I don’t know either. But it always bothered my father. He really loved Vladyka.

One of the firefighters said: “What a peaceful way to go”

When Vladyka reposed, we had a lot of things to deal with right away. Imagine: It’s 1966, fax machines haven’t been invented yet, the phones were antediluvian, and it was the holiday weekend before July 4th. There was no 911 yet, so we had to call the ambulance operator. The fire station was a block and a half from the cathedral, so they immediately called them. When the firefighters arrived, Vladyka was already gone, and one of them said: “What a peaceful way to go.”

We all immediately started trying to figure out what to do. We had to tell the Synod of the Russian Church Abroad in New York and the diocese in San Francisco, and we had to contact the funeral home. We only had one phone, so our priest’s wife went home and started calling from there… read more here:

Destroyed Convent in Donetsk.

Donetsk St. Iver Convent began construction in 1997, and was consecrated in October 2010. The monastery is located near the airport. It was in the midst of hostilities and was virtually destroyed. In the roof of the temple a big hole, hit by a shell, almost the entire top floor was burned, all the windows smashed, half in ruins, the dome was a metal frame, totally destroyed.
But with the help of God in the Holy of the Iberian convent Donetsk 25 February 2016, the first service was held after two years of war. The ancient face of the Virgin on the Iberian icon pierced with a spear, and in Donetsk, it was shot with bullets. Only the blood does not flow out of the wound. Maybe because there has already been too much blood shed in this terrible war.

Report 142

School break and delicious cake

The Fund continues to help the family of Khanzhenkovo. This time we brought gifts from the children of Florida. It’s school break now. Roma Anya and their little sister Verochka sent delicious cake, sweets and sports equipment for Olga’s grandchildren. The fund purchased building materials for home renovation. We receive donations from all over the world. The project continues and we thank all our donors.

Отчет 142

Каникулы и вкусный торт

Фонд продолжает помогать семье из Ханжёнково. В этот раз мы привезли подарки от детей Флориды. Сейчас школьные каникулы. Рома, Аня и маленькая Верочка передали вкусный торт, сладости и спортивный инвентарь для внуков бабушки Ольги. А еще фонд закупил стройматериалы для ремонта дома. Мы получаем пожертвования со всего мира. Продолжаем наш проект и благодарим всех наших спонсоров.

Report 141

Some were sitting on a bench

Another project completed! In a short time we made and delivered benches for the Teremok orphanage. Three benches were made in the workshop with high quality and in a short time. And we repaired the fourth bench right on the playground. Caregivers and children were very happy! Because in the summer, children spend much more time outdoors. Thanks to all our sponsors for their quick help.

Report 140

Step forward, 2021

Parents and the chairman of the Donetsk public organization of disabled people, disabled children and their families named ‘Step Forward’ contacted the ‘Donbass Humanitarian Aid’ Fund with a request to sponsor their holiday FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CHILD PROTECTION DAY. Of course, we responded, because the most joyful thing for any normal person is to give joy to children, especially in such a difficult time of the ongoing war. For 50 children on a sweet table, we bought a box of apples, bananas, cookies and waffles in chocolate. We also prepared 50 gift bags, where we put a set of colored paper, a set of 12 felt-tip pens, a set of 5 colored ink pens, and two notebooks with 36 sheets each. Which both children and their parents were glad to have! And the holiday itself, based on a children’s fairy tale in the poems of Korney Chukovsky “Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly” was held simply by wonderful creative workers of the Palace of Culture named after Kirov. We thank to everyone who pitched in and call on all caring people from all over the world to join our team!

Report 139

Kovalev family, Mom’s birthday

Today is the birthday of Lydia Anatolyevna, mother of the Kovalev family orphanage, which we have been supporting for several years. She and her husband started raising orphans 35 years ago. Lidia was an orphan too!  More than 50 children have grown up in this orphanage and another 22 children are now here. Her husband, Nikolai, died a couple of years ago but Lidia continues to take care of children.

In a short time, we collected the required amount of money, bought and delivered bed linen for the children.
The gifts that we brought on mom’s birthday are sweets and 22 sets of bedding. Thank you for your support and trust.

Отчет 141

Кто на лавочке сидел

Еще один проект завершен! В короткий срок мы смастерили и доставили лавочки для детского дома “Теремок”. Три лавочки были изготовлены в мастерской качественно и в короткий срок, а четвертую мы отремонтировали прямо на игровой площадке. Воспитатели и дети очень обрадовались! Ведь летом малыши проводят на прогулке гораздо больше времени.

Благодарим всех наших спонсоров за скорую помощь!